Before I know it I am holding tons of bags and waiting for my bus back to Port Authority in Times Square.

I find myself with a few bags and started chatting with the girl standing behind me in the queue. She bought socks, which she regretted.

Read: I don’t like designer stuff, or so I say – [Black Friday – part 4]

“Buyer’s remorse? How about me? I bought all of this stuff I don’t really need, except maybe one sunglasses,” I thought to myself.

I told her, “I wasn’t really planning on buying anything, but here I am.” I try to justify my purchases.

You did well,” she tells me.

I started showing her the stuff I bought, while still insisting that shopping in the US is overrated. “I could potentially buy all of this stuff in Dubai”, I explain.

She agrees with me, and one chat led to another, and she tells me about her experience in Port Authority to reach the bus on time at 10:00 a.m. She also thought she would miss the bus and she wasn’t sure where she would go. Her experience was almost identical to mine.

Read: Was I going to catch the bus on time [Black Friday — Part 2]

I guess they should just put those signs. 😉

The End. 🙂

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