Date Archives May 2020

2 Types of desires that make your customers buy

If the desire is what makes customers buy, then what is desire? 

The million-dollar question, “How can I tap into the desire of my customers?”

But before we talk about “how”, let’s first explore “what” is desire.

If I want to simply summarize desire, I would in two categories: 
1. Desires that are based on biological triggers
2. Desires that are influenced by mass advertisements

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Make money by tapping into your customer’s desires

Making money is not that straight forward, or else, the phrase “money doesn’t grow on trees” wouldn’t exist. 

There is only one way to make money - that is by selling a product or service to customers who would value it and pay the price you have asked for.

Customers are human, and the most fundamental part of us as a human is that we buy for a reason. 

We buy to satisfy our hopes, dreams, fears, and emotions.

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Does social validation work?

Hell yes! 

Even when you don’t know it.

What is social validation? 

“When we are uncertain about what to do we will look to other people to guide us. And we do this automatically and unconsciously.” -Robert Chialdini

Have you ever caught yourself in Amazon’s “Customers who read this also read…” section and thinking, “huh, let me check this out”? 

That is social validation.

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Why conduct customer or ‘user’ research?

We are all the same but different. I always think that. I know that

We have emotions. We are driven to take care of those we love. Survival comes first. We all feel sad, we feel doubtful and we feel courage. We might even think the same things. But then again, we are different.

What I like might be different than what you like, and that could be for the very simple reason that I come from a different cultural background than you, because I had different challenges, or grew up in a different neighborhood. It could be because of the school I went to or the languages that I speak. My job, my friends and the way I live could make me different than you, and similar to those who belong to the same school, to the same culture or the same neighborhood.

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How Google Translate will break your copy?

You communicate through all your senses, but when it comes to online services, you communicate using visual cues and the power of the written word.

Don’ t underestimate the power of that written word. 

Especially if your website is bilingual.

Nothing is worse than a bilingual website that doesn’t speak the language of the locals. Nothing is worse than a bilingual website that is built on Google Translate.

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Will social distancing keep us “safe” and get us addicted?

Social distancing. Isolation. 

Stay home. Stay safe. 

I am bombarded with those messages and I am sure you are too. 

As sick as I am of those, I am sure you are sick of them too. 

It’s no doubt that social distancing in the time of a pandemic will “keep you safe” from the highly contagious COVID-19. 


What if this social distancing will result in other problems for us as a global society, turning the majority of us to addicts, of whatever substance that induces dopamine?

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Discover how the bystander effect influences online engagement

What is the bystander effect? 

Good question. 

In simple English, the bystander effect means that in times of distress or when the time comes when”someone” needs to take action, if there are a lot of people present, everyone will assume “someone” else will take action, and no one will take that “action”.

People would think, 

“Someone is taking care of it, so I don’t really have to do anything about it.”

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7 Reasons to conduct usability testing

In one of my previous posts, 6 Dimensions to measure usability, I explained what is usability and why it’s important to measure. 


More often than not, the budget wouldn’t allow it or the project timeline is just too tight. 

Usability testing then is put in a second priority. Worse, it could be forgotten.

… and so, I have decided to share with you 7 reasons you should conduct usability testing.

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